In 52

OT Bible StudiesThis month marks the anniversary of my completing the first year of my Through The Bible In 52 Weeks daily devotional studies. I wrote a bit about this earlier in the year. This self-imposed discipline has quickly blossomed to become both a favorite staple and a cherished activity of any given day, so much so that I just have to share something about it.

The best way I can compare my experience so that it’s relatable is by using an analogy. It’s similar to the life and growth of a tree that has to set down ever deeper roots both to anchor it, as well as to draw ever more and richer nutrients from deeper down beneath the surface of the soil. Personal faith, thought and stance all have to go through their own similar processes. It’s something that almost intangible, yet something very tangible, felt in the inner depths of heart and spirit.  His presence has become richer to me because of it, which then invites even greater riches and treasures.

Touching a little on the various Biblical books and authors, the Old Testament accounts overflow with the full range of God’s power and majesty: From Genesis to Job the stories intrigue, challenge, teach and sometimes mind-boggle with their preciseness, detail, integrity, and devotion. There are even lessons to be gained from the seemingly endless presentation of the Levitcal laws, procedures and regulations.

I didn’t realize how much I’ve absorbed of the Proverbs over the years so that their admonitions have literally become part of my life, thinking, and wisdom, while Psalms afford those cherished building blocks towards a relationship with the Lord from somebody who’s been there, done that. I love the various books of the prophets with God thundering his often dark and prophetic warnings of judgment, interspersed with and against the lightning backdrop flashes of future ecstasy, promise and fulfillment. And of course in the New Testament, especially the gospels, I can constantly behold His glory, so full of the truth and grace so graciously given to meet my needs.

A prayer: “Lord, it’s as if I don’t want to go from your presence (when spending time reading, reflecting on and praying through your Word), my whole being wants to linger with you, to linger in your presence. There’s such peace and tranquility, something unutterably sweet. Oh that others might find such communion, such union, sweet!”

I wish there were time and place to share all I’d like to but since that’s not really possible, what I think I will do is share a few concrete examples taken from my study notes over the course of this past year, the first of which I include below.

(See the following post: The Nicodemus Exchange Revisited (John 3)
© Copyright 2013  John Hislop

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